Digital Navigation Guided Implant
Use 3D CTCB with Trios oral scanner to capture 3D images.

With 3D images, accurately analyzing bone tissue and nerve positioning, Doctor can determine the best possible for an implant fixture. Flapless implant surgery can minimize bleeding and swelling and recovery time.
Digital Navigation Guided Implant
CTCB X-Rays&Oral Scanning
Take 3D CTCB x-rays with Trios oral scanner to capture 3D Images.
Merging two 3D images to create securing implant insertion path. This treatment planning will be idealized implant placement for the maximum functional and aesthetic result.
Customized Prosthetic Design
The 3D printer produces the customized prosthetic design for the best fitting.
Customized Implant Surgery
Customized stent guide idealized surgery.
Why Navigation Guided Implant?
It reduces chair time and appointments.
Treatment planning with idealised implant palcement for the maximum functional aesthetic result is possible with 3D Intra oral scaning and CBCT X-ray.

Flapless surgery reduces bleeding, swelling and recovery time.

An implant surgery that minimizes bleeding and swelling by applying a cutting edge tissue punch technique without raising a flap.This is a better alternative for patients with diabetes, Hign Blood Pressure and Edenturious patients due to less swelling and pain.
Reduce the time from exam to final placement.

The whole process can be done in 2-3 months instead of 4-6 months.
∗ Minimizes bleeding and swelling by applying a cutting edge tissue punch technique without raising a flap.
Increase implant’s life time.

Optimized implant placement with reduced surgical intervention improves the results. The final crown will last longer because Customized post spread forces evenly.
Implant Q&A
Advantages of dental implants, compared to alternatives such as dentures and bridges: Dental implants feel, look, fit and function like healthy, natural teeth. They’re so comfortable you don’t have to think about them. You brush and floss them just like you do your natural teeth – no need to remove them for cleaning. They also help you retain your natural face shape and smile. They are built to last and You can live life with confidence.
Smoking and diabetes are the worst enemies of implants. They may cause the removal of implants.
Healthier gum makes implants last longer. Good Dental hygiene is directly related to implants’ lifetime. A regular dental appointment is the best way to keep your implant longer.